Posts filed under ‘Book of Mormon’

No Time

Have you ever felt as if there is not enough hours in the day to accomplish all that you need and want to? It seems that there are the necessary things such as sleep, work, & eating. Then there are the things that we want to do to feel part of society. Too often in this rush we forget to take care of the most important thing, our spiritual side.

Nourishing our spiritual side is just as important as nourishing our physical bodies. When our spiritual side starves it affects every aspect of our lives. I have learned through experience that when I make time to study my scriptures and to communicate with my Heavenly Father, that my life is better. I have more hope and a clearer view of what is happening. When I have neglected these small and simple things my view gets distorted and my outlook on life is bleak.

The reason these small and simple things are so important is that they connect us to Christ. It is only when we have this connection that we can have hope, which then lightens our lives. Too often we get so busy that we forget this and try to make it through life without light. I know when I have slacked in nourishing my spiritual side, it is then that life gets hard for me.

When I make time to read my scriptures and to pray, I am really making time for Christ to enter my life. It is then that I can accomplish great things. It is only then that I have direction and guidance. If your life is getting a little dark or not quite clear, figure out if you have made time to allow the nourishing power of the scriptures in your life. As we make time our spiritual sides will be nourished and our physical bodies will thrive.

February 15, 2012 at 12:15 am Leave a comment

To Be Whole

During the Savior’s mortal ministry,he did many things. Among those things was healing he was constantly healing people. Most of the healing was for those who could not be healed by earthly means. Either there was no cure or no technology to correctly take care of the malady. To heal them he said “thou art made whole”(John 5:14). They were always cured.

In so many ways we have a malady, not physical but spiritual. We are sick in some way. We are not whole. In order to be whole we need to hear the command of the Savior, he makes us whole. He made others whole in the New Testament and today he still makes us whole.

Those in the New Testament were made whole by hearing the command of the Savior. How do we hear his command today? There are so many ways. We study the words which testify of him. We study the words that He said. Then we ask.  Each of those who he healed, in the New Testament and in the Book of Mormon, in some way asked to be healed. The Savior never denied, he always healed them.

None of us are whole. We all have holes that can only be filled by the Savior.The Savior is always feeling my holes in and making me whole. Will we let him make us whole?

To learn more about Jesus Christ, visit

March 15, 2011 at 1:00 pm 1 comment

Best of Books

I love to read. I have quite likely, without exaggerating, read from every genre. I love books and everything about books. For me books take me to another place. Whenever I read I become so absorb that the world around me disappears and I read for hours at a time. 

Now I am on a mission. When we choose to serve a mission there is a few rules you live by. One of those is a limited library.  I have a very small selection of reading material, none of it fiction-my favorite. So why in the world would I willingly give up reading books for 18 months? I gave it all up for the best book.

You may ask how can one book, among all the books I have read, inspire me to forsake all the other books in the world for 18 months? It is because in this one book I have found Christ and he has “the words of eternal life”(John 6:68). This book is the Book of Mormon-Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

The Book of Mormon has changed my life. And since I know the power that it has to change lives, I have chosen to share that knowledge for 18 months and give up all the other books in the world. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that it has the power to change your life. I am forever thankful that this book is a part of my life and that I have let it change my life.

To learn more about the Book of Mormon go to

Click here to receive your own copy of the Book of Mormon

January 4, 2011 at 4:14 pm Leave a comment

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