Posts filed under ‘Christmas’

Season of Hope

The birth of one child brought hope to the entire world.Limited few knew the impact that this infant would have. Wise men diligently awaiting His birth knew. As did prophets of old. Angels herald news of His birth to shepherds,who then knew that this child was important. What the few in Bethlehem knew then, is now known throughout the world. His birth which was followed by His exemplary life followed by his triumphant death saved the world and gives us hope today.

This time of year is when we celebrate His birth. To me we are in essence renewing our hope. Everything looks a bit brighter and the future not so bleak. We, hopefully, forgive past trespasses and give with a lighter heart. Lights brighten up the darkest time of the year and children’s faces shine with the Spirit of the season. Hope is everywhere and it is all possible because of the birth of the Christ child.

The reason we celebrate His birth, is because of what His death accomplished. We “have hope through the atonement of Christ…” (Moroni 7:41). Is it no wonder then why the celebration of His birth is a season of hope. It is because of our faith in Him that we can have hope. His wondrous birth and life provides hope for all ages.

December 22, 2011 at 7:48 pm Leave a comment

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

What is it about Christmas time that makes it so wonderful? Is it the snow? The irresistible Christmas music drifting from every which way? Or is it the bright and wonderful decorations that we see every way? There is something about Christmas that invites us to forgive our neighbors, extend a helping hand to those in need, and to gather with family and friends and celebrate.

I believe that the true reason lies deep within us all. Underneath all the commercialism that surrounds this holiday there is a reason why Christmas is the most wonderful time of year. It is because we are celebrating the birth of our Savior. No matter how hard some may try to hide him, His Light creeps through. It is His Light that inspires us to reach out to others  and think beyond ourselves.

In this season, when we celebrate the Christ child’s birth, we tend to follow his example, intentional or not. Christ spent his whole life focusing on others instead of himself.  And it when we focus on others and not ourselves that we find the great happiness that is available every Christmas season.

I invite and urge everyone to find a way to have the Christmas spirit. It does not have to be some grand display. It is much greater when we give with a sincere heart, no matter how small the gesture may be. As we do so this can indeed be the most wonderful time of the year.

December 8, 2011 at 9:22 pm 1 comment

A Night Like No Other

The night of the Savior’s birth. What an amazing night that must have been. Joseph valiantly searching for a place for Mary to have that precious babe. The shepherds being told of the promised Messiah’s birth, and the angels heralding his coming. On that night the wise men must have begun their journey to find the Christ child, since the sign of the star had appeared. It was a night unlike any other.

Not only in the old world was it long-awaited with great anticipation, but also in the new world. The people here in the Americas also awaited it. Those who believed in Christ were also anxiously awaited his coming. The unbelievers had promised death to the believers if the sign of the birth of the Messiah was not seen on a certain day(3 Nephi 1:4-9). That day did come and the sign was given(3 Nephi 1:13,15).

It is interesting to note that the shepherds were the first to be informed of his coming. The humble shepherds, who were watching their flocks. It is interesting to note that it was probably quiet and still. They were not caught up in the hustle and bustle taking place in the city. It was to them that the angel appeared and announced the birth of Christ(Luke 2:8-12).

On this night, when the Son of God was born, angels praised God(Luke 2:13-14). It was not only his birth they were praising, but what his life would be that they also praised. He would offer salvation to every soul that would accept it. They were praising the fact that God’s plan would be fulfilled in this tiny baby. 

The wise men were ready and watching for the sign of the birth of the Son of God. When the star appeared they saw it and knew what it meant. They fearlessly followed it and found the promised Messiah.

Thousands of years after this event we still celebrate it. The reason we celebrate is not because of Christ’s birth, but what his life and eventually his death accomplished. We have Christmas, because there is an Easter. If there was no Easter, it would have been just another night when a baby was born in Bethlehem.  But it wasn’t, it was a night like no other, when Christ, the promised Messiah was born.

To read the Christmas Story.

December 23, 2010 at 1:25 pm Leave a comment

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